Matrix Explained

     Discoveries reveal that our universe works on fractal holography, a fractal holographic matrix.  Visible frames appear as needed upon being observed.   Things aren't really there, they exist as waves of potentials until a conscious observer collapses it into a solid structure, like a video game.   Other discoveries prove that the fundamental ether of space time itself is running off of something called adinkra codes, they are 3 dimensional mathematical codes, the same type of codes you'll find in search engine browsers and websites that is fueling and running this universe. (00011100111001011000101011010100)

     Combine those things together, we're living inside of a matrix!  What is this matrix made of?  It's made of light; we know this through the LHC (Large Hadron Collider) Smash atoms together, it emits light, at the deepest level, everything is made of light, when you're not looking at matter, it acts like a wave of light or a wave of potentials until you look at it, it then collapses into solidity again.  We are thus fully immersed inside of a matrix of light.

     Now let's go deeper, where does this matrix come from?  Where is it being broadcasted from?  After looking at an 8-dimensional quasicrystal into a particular angle, it created a sphere!  That sphere is what we're living in, we're living in a sphere of light matrix!  We're living in the shadow of a higher dimension, a shadow of light from a higher dimension.

   The universe in which we live is probably not even close to base reality.

     Now imagine a computer game like the Sims or No Man's Sky with 80 quadrillion worlds in that program, unlimited life forms and the game never ends, now imagine if you inject AI in that software?   And that only 1 DVD, now these beings are alive!  They asking: "who made us? Where do we come from?  Who's our God?  Where or when did the Big Bang start?"   The Big Bang is when you turned on the console.  You see, we are creating universes and so will the Sims, and the Sims will be conscious with AI and then they will create universes when creating software within the program.

     There are many layers to reality, and we are likely not close to base reality, there are likely googols of simulations running simultaneously.

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