The Scriptures are a collection of 66 books making up the Bible canon as we know it today, we also know that there are several different translations and interpretations of this collection of books. 

Questions to ponder upon:

  • Do you know the origin of your Bible?
  • What makes your translation better than the others?
  • How reliable is the information you read in your Bible?

When the time comes for you to look up the background of your Bible's origin, have an open mind and be ready to change the paradigm of your belief systems.  Because I assure you, your Bible is not what you've been told.  We've been conditioned to believe that the Bible is the Word of God, but is it?


     The truths you find in the Bible actually come from ancient cuneiform tablets that were written thousands of years before the Bible scrolls were even discovered.   The rest have been completely made up by men.   There was an agenda behind it.   If you've been triggered by what I just wrote, hold off and listen up!


     Have you ever heard of the Council of Nicaea?   It was a council of Christian bishops summoned in the Bithynian city of Nicaea (now İznikTurkey) by the Roman Emperor Constantine I.  It was the first of many efforts to attain consensus in the church through an assembly representing all Christendom.  Its main goal was to settle the Christological issue of the divine nature of God the Son and his relationship to God the Father and more.  These councils were set for subsequent general councils to adopt creeds and canons. This Council is generally considered the beginning of the period of the first seven ecumenical councils in the history of Christianity.


    Emperor Constantine invited all 1,800 bishops of the Christian church within the Roman Empire (about 1,000 in the East and 800 in the West), but a smaller and unknown number attended.   Approximately 250 - 318 attended.  The bishops did not come alone; each one had permission to bring with him 2 priests and 3 deacons, so the total number in attendance could have been above 1,800. Eusebius speaks of an almost innumerable host of accompanying priests, deacons, and acolytes.  The agenda of the synod included the large portion of the Nicene Creed that is devoted to Christ (more than 80%) indicates that the main issue before the Council was about Jesus Christ; not about the Father or about the Holy Spirit.


     These men doctored the Dead Sea Scrolls to hide truths from us about the life of Yeshuah (Jesus) and also of the so-called "God" of the Bible.  They've redacted scores of passages from the scrolls and added some of their own to suit their agenda.

The # 1 Most Doctored Bible Translation

     Then came the Watch Tower Bible and Tract Society of Pennsylvania in 1881 founded by Charles Taze Russell, since the foundation of this establishment, the scriptures have been doctored twice to the point where this book is no longer recognized along with the rest of the other known translations. 

    Here are some cited scriptures from different Bible translations found on Bible Hub as a quick comparison.  Let's start with the book of John 1:1

New International Version

In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.

New Living Translation

In the beginning the Word already existed. The Word was with God, and the Word was God.

King James Bible

In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.

New King James Version

In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.

Amplified Bible

In the beginning [before all time] was the Word (Christ), and the Word was with God, and the Word was God Himself.

New World Translation

In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was a god.

     As you can see, the NWT Bible is the only one that has deviated from the mainstream texts, that Bible wasn't included in the Bible Hub website due to its extreme deceptive discrepancies.  In this verse, it says that the Word aka [Jesus] was "a god".   Although the other Bibles are not being truthful since there are no cuneiform tablets found anywhere saying that Jesus was God, it goes to show that just about anyone could, if they so choose, translate their Bibles to suit their doctrines to manipulate the minds of their followers. 

     Now, I gave you 1 perfect example but there are a lot more you can look up yourself, here are more examples to compare, see the referenced links below and see for yourself.

Compare These Texts with Lloyd Evans

Exodus 4:21 (Ref)

Matthew 24:39 (Ref)

2 Corinthians 5:20 (Ref)

Hebrews 1:8 (Ref)

Exodus 3:14 (Ref)

Matthew 27: 52, 53 (Ref)

Colossians 1:16, 17 (Ref)

Revelations 5:10 (Ref)

2 Samuel 24:1 (Ref)

John 8:58 (Ref)

Ephesians 4:8 (Ref)

Colossians 2:9 (Ref)

Micah 6:8 (Ref)

Luke 22:17 (Ref)

John 14:10 (Ref)

Philippians 1:1 (Ref)

Genesis 33:20 (Ref)

Zechariah 12:10 (Ref)

Malachi 3:6 (Ref)

Revelation 1:10 (Ref)

Genesis 6:14 (Ref)

Leviticus 27:28, 29 (Ref)

Proverbs 11:9 (Ref)

Philippians 2:5, 6 (Ref)

Revelation 22:18,19 is clear about what will happen to those who tamper with the texts written in the scrolls.  But yet, the Bible translation committee completely ignored that for the New World Translation of the Holy Scriptures.  And their own interlinear Bible clearly points out that discrepancy.   It proves that they're aware of this mistranslation, but they don't care.

The Rapture - Armageddon - Hell - Hades - Gehenna

     The Rapture is another thing that was added in the Bible by a man.  John Nelson Darby added the rapture doctrine in the Bible in the year 1827 as a cliff note.  THERE IS NO RAPTURE!!  Don't be sitting around like a lazy person waiting for a sky god to come and rapture you to heaven, that's not how the universe works, the universe is far more interesting than that.  If you are still waiting for a rapture, you've missed what Yeshua's message was all about.  The Creator of the Universe never wrote or inspire anyone to write anything about some rapture neither did Yeshua [Jesus].  There is a Creator of this universe in which we live, but that Creator isn't found in any Bibles.  


     Armageddon is a place known as Har Megiddo.  It is an actual location in Northern Israel.  It was too convenient to leave this in the Bible cannon because it announces the 2nd coming of Christ Jesus to wage war upon God's enemies.  But these texts were never found in ancient cuneiform tablets.  There is no 2nd coming, what Jesus was trying to tell us was, Christ consciousness would come back.  The battle of Armageddon is just a fear-based narrative to keep humanity in fear.


     Hell or the Lake of Fire was added to the Bible canon.  Another fear-based narrative thing that was never found in any ancient cuneiform tablets.  Religious people who believe in this are so scared to displease God for fear they will end up in that lake of fire forever.  One hell of a way to keep people controlled!  No pun intended.


     Hades also known as She'ol depicts a place where the dead abide, both the godly and ungodly.  For some religions, it's a place where you will stay as you await a resurrection.  Again, another misleading doctrine that has no foundation in the reality of how the universe works.  Imagine being confined in this place of inactivity for who knows how long?  It's super restrictive and it is not based in reality.


     Gehanna is even worse than Hades, its depiction is one of eternal destruction, for some, it's equivalent to Hell, for others, it simply means complete and utter destruction with no possibility of any resurrection.  Imagine those who believe this, how scarry the thought of being dead forever!  A state of nonexistence which defies the laws of science or the law of the universe.  These are all doom and gloom narratives that serve no purpose.  The real Gehanna however was a valley of slaughter or of Hinnom.

Yeshua's Message was hijacked

     Do you know what Yeshua's mission and message was all about?  The mission is to bring heaven to earth, and to do greater things than he did and exceed far past what Yeshua's achievements were on this beautiful planet, yes, this physical plane of existence!  Love one another unconditionally as brothers and sisters on this Earth, can you do that?  Can you stop falling for the divide and conquer tactics?  Can you stop relying on politics to solve your problems?   Can you go within and be a spiritual person without depending on an outside source to fix all of your problems?   Can you find out who you truly are and know the power you actually have inside of you?   See?  Don't take the easy road and wait for a savior to come and save you.  YOU HAVE TO DO THE WORK YOURSELF!  How else will you grow and evolve if you let others do all the work for you? That's not why you came here, you came here to learn how to ascend to the next level of consciousness, ON YOUR OWN.  But you need to get off the couch, stop watching back-to-back movies or comedy shows and do some thorough wholehearted research.

     Where did Yeshua go when he disappeared from the Bible at age 12?  According to the tablets, he went to Egypt, there's a shrine of the house and the bed he actually slept in, there in Egypt.  He went there to learn the Egyptian Mysteries, then he left Egypt and went to Tibet to learn Reiki Healing and Qigong, energy healing with his hands.  Then he came down through India to learn the Mystic Arts.  Then the Bible picks up when he was 32 years old in Jerusalem on the back of a donkey, "I call my son out of Egypt" the Bible says.  Why do you think that information was taken out of the Bible canon?

     False images of Jesus.   Jesus has been depicted as a blue-eyed white man with light brown hair and millions of people worship that image and pray to it.  Who are they really praying to?  In case you didn't know, the well-known depiction of Jesus was modeled after Cesare Borgia, son of Pope Alexander Vl.  At the beginning of the papal inquisitions when the popes ordered the death of 80 million people over the course of 700 years to get the remaining population to believe in their religion and doctrines.  Cesare Borgia was born in 1475 and became a Cardinal at age 18.  When you pray to Jesus and fall down on your knees and cry to this image of Jesus, this is the guy you're praying to.  Cesare Borgia murdered his brother in 1497 because he wanted to claim power over the military his brother had and then he quickly launched a military campaign to conquer all of Italy.  Why?  To bring religious dominance and control over that land.  That's when he influenced depictions of Jesus to resemble his own likeness.  He knew that the original Jesus had power over the people, and he wanted to claim that power for himself.  You see, Cesare Borgia was nothing but an energy vampire, hungry for power and dominance.   So, he got Leonardo Da Vinci to paint the Christ modeled after him and that modeled image became the main image for all to worship going forward.   This man was evil, and you may want to think twice then next time you go pray in front of this image.   The Borgia family was also known for incest, Cesare slept with his own sister Lucrezia.  There's even a video game called Creed where they were both kissing.  A book was also written about this.  It is well documented.

God was mistranslated

     God was mistranslated in the Bible, on purpose.  Whenever you see the word "God" in the Bible, you should always add an "s" at the end of it.  The original word was "Elohim" which is plural, it translates to "gods".  There were councils of advanced human extraterrestrials who were masquerading themselves as gods, but they were none other than extraterrestrials with advanced technology.  Humans back then deified them because these technologies were like magic, out of this world and beyond their primitive understanding.

     The main ETs who claimed godship in the Bible were "Enlil" aka [Yahweh] a narcissistic psychopath killer and "Amun Ra" [the Great Amen] evil son of Enki who sided with his evil uncle Enlil.  Each time you say a prayer and you say "amen" at the end of your prayer, you're thanking one of the most brutal rulers we've ever had here on this planet.  These 2 ETs are at the root of all tyranny and destruction since they started messing with our DNA 200,000 years ago.  Now of course Anu was at the head of all these gods, and he wasn't evil like the others, but the problem is that he left to go back home and left his sons to control Earth.  

Why was Enoch omitted from the Bible canon?

     Keep in mind that Cain was genetically branded by Enlil himself, Cain's son, Enoch was half human and half Anunnaki aka a demigod, his mother was a human.  Enoch was given an appointer date when he would be taken away from Earth to learn about the universe.  He described our gigantic blue spherical Earth.  Enoch was mentioned in the Bible in Genesis, Exodus, Hebrews, Jude, Luke, 1 Chronicles and Numbers but that's it, the rest of Enoch's story was removed, nothing more was mentioned about him. Said he was taken by God and never came back.  But that's not true, Enoch was brought back with some advanced knowledge about construction techniques in building megalithic structures.   Wherever he went, Enoch became a student.   So, Hebrews 11:5 is completely fabricated, they had to make something up for omitting it from mainstream Bibles.   But, oops, they forgot to remove the Jude 1:14 account as Enoch was mentioned there, likely assuming that the reader would have read the book of Enoch by now.  But lo and behold, the Book of Enoch was gone!   They took that book out of the mainstream Bibles because there's way too many truths in there, they don't want us to know that ETs came down here in spaceships and had advanced weapons.  Do yourself a favor and go read the Book of Enoch, you will learn much from it.  The Ethiopian Bible is the only Bible that contains the full book of Enoch, but you can easily get your own on Amazon or simply listen to an audible from YouTube, how easy is that!

They Slipped up about Cain

     There was a slip-up about Cain but no one seemed to notice.  After Cain killed his brother Abel, he supposedly had the conversation with "God" in Genesis 4:14 saying "Today you are driving me from the land, and I will be hidden from your presence; I will be a restless wanderer on the earth, and whoever finds me will kill me"   Now ask yourself, WHAT PEOPLE???  There shouldn't be anyone out there but animals, right????  Then in verse 15, God "puts a mark on Cain so that no one who found him would kill him."

     There you have it, there were people out there, way before the creation of Adam, Eve, Cain and Abel.  Who are the other people??  Can't you see how easy it is to notice this when you use your critical thinking abilities?

     Two people [Adam & Eve] didn't create 8 billion people, that kind of inbreeding would produce many deformities and all kinds of disabilities more and more, we already know this through science, Cain found a wife out there and made babies and started the Canaanites.

Who Really is YAHWEH [Jehovah]?

     Some 450,000 years ago, the Anunnaki came to mine for resources, but it was not until about 200,000 years ago that Enlil started to play the role of God and became known as Yahweh.  His son Ninurta also did the same from time to time, and so did Prince Ea's son Marduk who decided to side with his evil uncle Enlil.  But the main Yahweh character was none other than Enlil.  Enlil was half Anunnaki and half Ciacharr Reptilian extraterrestrial.  He was the commander of armies, and his main goal was to cause division, control, fear and bloodshed.  Enlil's real birthname is actually "Yuh".  Most of the Old Testament in the Bible is depicting a God that is full of hate.  Let's take a look at some scriptures to prove this.

     Yahweh is a liar and a deceiver according to 1 Kings 22:23 NEB "Now therefore, behold, Yahweh has put a lying spirit in the mouth of all ... your prophets; and Yahweh has spoken evil concerning you.”   But yet Titus 1:2 says that "God .. cannot lie".  Quite a contradiction there!  And why would the loving God of the Universe send and evil spirit on people according to Judges 9:23?  And Numbers 11:20 describes how "Yahweh said that he will give them meat and make them eat that meat for a whole month until it comes out of their nostrils, and they will become nauseous."  Does that sound like a loving God to you?  Then in Numbers 11: 31-33 Yahweh "drove in quail from the sea ... the people stayed up gathering the quail ... spreading them out all around the camp. 33 But while the meat was still between their teeth, before it was chewed, the anger of the LORD [Yahweh] burned against the people, and He struck them with a severe plague.  34 ... there they buried the people who had craved other food".  What a loving God eh, he gave them a diseased infested meat and many of them died because of it.  That's how he treated his so-called children, his people!  And again, he lied to them because the quails came for only 1 day, not 30 days.  But the Bible says that "it is impossible for God to lie" - Hebrews 6:18

     Yahweh is such a loving God, but yet, he says in Psalms 137:8,9: "O daughter of Babylon, you devastated one, How blessed will be the one who repays you ... the one who seizes and dashes your little ones Against the rock.".  Other translations say "Blessed is the one who grabs your little children and smashes them against a rock" - GWT.  "How blessed will be the one who seizes your young children and pulverizes them against the cliff!" - ISV Bible.  And Isaiah 13:16 goes on to say: "Their little children will be dashed to death before their eyes. Their homes will be sacked, and their wives will be raped." -NLT.  

     Is this the loving God you pray to each night? Is this the God you worship?  

According to the Bible, Yahweh killed millions of people!   Here's another account, 2 Kings 2:23-24 NIV reads: "Elisha left Jericho and went up to Bethel. As he was walking along the road, a group of boys from the town began mocking and making fun of him. “Go away, baldy!” they chanted. “Go away, baldy!"  verse 24 reads: "Then he looked behind him and saw them. And he cursed them in the name of Yahweh. Then two female bears came out of the woods and tore up 42 lads ..." LSB

     Wow, young boys making fun of a bald man deserve death by being mauled by 2 bears in the eyes of this loving God!   Yet you pray to him.  

     Yahweh killed a total of about 24,634,205 people in various ways, according to the killings calculated in the Bibles and other accounts linked to the Bible that doesn't include animals he also killed.  Not to mention the mass genocide he caused when he made an asteroid hit the northern icecap which caused the great flood.  This Yahweh character is clearly a narcissistic psychopathic killer who loves bloodshed!  This is not a God of Light and Love, he is rather a god of darkness and death.  Yet millions of people pray to this god and fail to see who he really is.   He never cared for humanity, because he is a reptilian who lacks empathy, sympathy and love.

     The Bible also talks about another character we all came to know as "Satan" and we know Satan is a bad dude, right?  How many people did Satan kill according to the Bible?  He killed 10 people on a bet with Yahweh.  You can read about that in the book of Job.

     As you can see, Yahweh is a calamitous god and he brags about it too!  Amos 3:6 reads: "Does a trumpet sound in the city and the people not shake [and be afraid], or is there evil in the city that LORD JEHOVAH [Yahweh] has not done?" - ABPE & ASV.

     And 2 Corinthians 3:7 alludes to the 10 commandments as a "ministry of death .. engraved on stones". Why did he make these 10 commandments?  Do or don't do this, or else!

1.Ye shall have no other gods before Me - {or I'll kill you}

2.Ye shall make no idols - {or I'll kill you}

3. Ye shall not use my name in vain - {or I'll kill you}

4. Ye shall keep my Sabbath day holy - {or I'll kill you}

5. Ye shall honor your parents - {or I'll kill you}

6. Ye shall not kill - {or I'll kill you}

7. Ye shall not commit adultery - {or I'll kill you}

8. Ye shall not steel - {or I'll kill you}

9. Ye shall not bear false witness against your neighbor - {or I'll kill you}

10. Ye shall not covet - {or I'll kill you}

   True to his word, Yahweh gives his people a list of dos and don'ts, but yet tells them to kill, loot, covet young virgins as sex slaves for the men and their sons after the plunders and rape them and their mothers too, most of which they killed afterward!  How did they manage to write all this in the scriptures and yet, millions fail to see through the veil of deception?

     Yahweh loves those who love him - Proverbs 8:17. And hates and curses those who don't fear and obey him - Please read all of Deuteronomy 28:15-46.  See for yourself the extent of curses Yahweh puts upon people.

Proverbs 6:16-19 tells us 7 things Yahweh hates:

"... haughty eyes, a lying tongue, hands that shed innocent blood

a heart that devises wicked schemes, feet that are quick to rush into evil,

a false witness who pours out lies and a person who stirs up conflict in the community."

But yet, Yahweh [Jehovah] has no problem doing any of these things freely and willingly!

Yahweh means, "the god of war" in Hebrew.  Yahweh is indeed Enlil, because Enlil actually means "The Commander of Armies" in the Sumerian language.  He's one in the same!

Jephthah’s Tragic Vow

     And also, ask yourself why Yahweh would accept the murder of Jephthah's only daughter, a young virgin girl?  Jephthah himself killed his own daughter in a vow he made to Yahweh [Jehovah]. Read the account yourself in the book of Judges 11:30-40

     Yahweh gave laws to Moses where men could sell their daughters as sex slaves, are you ok with that?  Read it for yourself in the book of Exodus 21:7,8. Both male & female slaves were purchased for life as property in Leviticus 25:44-46.

Yeshua's message to humanity

     Jesus' message is contrary to Yahweh, but the Bible depicts him as the only begotten son of God.   Yahweh commands his people to "FEAR and OBEY" him according to Deuteronomy 13:4.

Jesus says in 2 Timothy 1:7 "God has not given us a spirit of fear, but of power, love, and self-control."

Yahweh says "FEAR ME and Tremble at my presence" according to Jeremiah 5:22.

Clearly, Jesus is NOT TALKING ABOUT THE SAME GUY!  Jesus' message is a message of power, love and self-control.  Not of fear, calamity or death.  He said: "Truly, truly, I say to you, whoever believes in me will also do the works that I do; and greater works than these will he do, because I am going to the Father" - John 14:12 ESV.  Humans will learn to do greater works than Jesus did after he goes back to his father, now, who's his father?  He was either referring to Creator Source or perhaps he was talking about Prince Ea aka Enki who was in his Nibiru ship.  His father was clearly NOT the God of the Old Testament.

     I'm aware of 2 planets by the name of Nibiru, one of them is orbiting our solar system every 4200 years, one is far away in our galaxy and the other one is not a planet, but it's a spherical spaceship about the size of our Earth's moon, Luna.

Final Comments

     The mainstream Bible Cannon was so badly edited and the NWT being by far, the worst, it's been calculated that only about 20% of what we find in the Bible can be deemed accurate and good, which leaves about 80% of which has been deliberately manipulated to keep us in the dark, controlled and in fear of displeasing God because if you do, you will either get killed by God or suffer an eternal fiery hell or simply be destroyed at an impending doom called "Armageddon".   All this, to keep the vast population in line, and it worked!  Look at us now.  Yeshua's message was a message of empowerment, not a message of slavery or fear.

     It is time for us all to take our power back, reclaim our sovereignty and be the change you want to see in the world!

J. N. Darby

Armageddon according to Watchtower

Depiction of common Hell

Sheol, man's common grave

AI generated image of

Yuh aka Enlil / Yahweh / Jehovah

Eyewitness drawing of what Enlil looks like by Elena Danaan

Ancient stone artifact depicting the head of Enlil from ancient eyewitness accounts from the ancient Sumerian culture currently sitting in their local museum

There is much more!! Please see this amazing presentation with

Corina Pataki & Elena Danaan

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