Conspiracy Theory

     "Are you a Conspiracy Theorist?  Well, you must be a crazy person, right?"  "Not sure what to label you, a Conspiracy Theorist or a Nutbar."  "Oh no, here's another Conspiracy Theorist!"

     These are just some derogatory connotations linked to these 2 unfortunate words.  What exactly is a conspiracy theory?

     The Merriam Webster's dictionary puts it this way: "conspiracy theory: a theory that explains an event or set of circumstances as the result of a secret plot by usually powerful conspirators; the conspiracy theories surrounding Kennedy's assassination.  Alsoa theory asserting that a secret of great importance is being kept from the public ... best known for ... his conspiracy theory that a secret cabal of reptilian humanoids is running the world."

     It was on April 1st, 1967, the CIA dispatched a Secret Psyop document Labeled "Conspiracy Theorists" which is used to discredit anyone who challenges the "Official" narrative.  Quote: "The aim of this dispatch is to provide material for countering and discrediting the claims of the conspiracy theorists." CIA Doc #1035-960

     Notice the dispatch was marked "PSYCH" which is short for “Psychological Operations” or disinformation and “CS” for the CIA’s “Clandestine Services” unit.

     The Dispatch instructed agents to contact their medias and dismiss those critical thinkers and label them as "Conspiracy Theorists".

The document reveals that this term has been deliberately given associations of craziness, as though conspiracies do not happen.

     Contrary to the above CIA psyops dispatch regarding Lee Harvey Oswald, a March 3rd, 1964 Confidential Memo ... states that Lee Harvey Oswald was indeed trained by the intelligence agency and worked for them.  The CIA trained Lee Harvey Oswald under the cover of the Office of Naval Intelligence for Soviet assignments.

    Decades later in 2017 when the JFK Files are released from their 25-year secrecy order ... revealed that the Warren Commission was falsely fabricated, and that Lee Harvey Oswald was set up to be the patsy as Oswald claimed he was.

     The reason for the above information is to show you the psyop behind the term "conspiracy theorist" and the contradictory documentations prove that there's a coverup and an agenda.  People simply want to know the truth and they don't want to be labeled as a crazy person just for questioning the narrative.

    The corrupt CIA used the term "conspiracy theorist" as a way to gaslight people for speaking up on the truth.  But according to the Church and Pike documents, the use of the phrase "conspiracy theory" dates back to at least 1863.  Either way, that term was used over the years to prevent people from questioning the mainstream narrative.

Star People Visit Earth

     I found this article straight from the CIA website, as you can see according to the CIA themselves, they are aware of star people who have come to Earth to spread a message of peace.  Now why do you think the CIA would go and put this on their website if they are pushing an agenda to hide the truth and call critical thinkers "conspiracy theorists"?   Well, it's simply because of the "Freedom of Information Act".  They have no choice but to show these kinds of documents but notice how un-user-friendly their website is, they made it that way on purpose to turn off the average viewer from looking for information on it.  But trust me, there are tons of other wild information on that site that would blow your mind!  I won't mention the rest here, but I will have upcoming pages where I'll talk about things the CIA knows all about.  The information is there because they have to put it there, although not so easy to find, but they would prefer you don't go and look it up.


     If you are called a "Conspiracy Theorist", take that as a complement, it means that you are a fully awake researcher who seeks to know the real truths hidden from humanity, you question the narrative and you boldly tell your truths to whomever will listen to your claims with an open mind.

     When you've discovered some information that you know most people won't touch with a 10-foot pole, those who are ready to listen will be grateful, but try to have something to back up your claim, otherwise, you may not be taken seriously.   I know you may be excited to share your discoveries with your family members and friends but keep in mind that some people may not be ready to hear that kind of information, a significant number of people still live in the indoctrinated matrix and your information will only either scare them or trigger them.  Much like a prisoner who's been kept in the hole for a month and suddenly been taken out into the bright sunlight.

     It's too much for them to bare.  But you could sprinkle some seeds of your newfound truth until they're ready to hear more, who knows, they may even start questioning stuff too and do some of their own research.

    But for now, you know you found hidden truths, be patient, it's just a matter of time when you will be exonerated, but don't boast when that happens, be humble, be loving and provide information to those who come to you with questions. 

Just as a fun meme for those of you who suffered ridicule

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