
     Hello dear reader, I am Rick McKnight, I have changed my native last name for the protection of my family and privacy.  I'm aware that the information I am providing on this Blog may trigger some readers, but this information must come out regardless.

     In a nutshell: I was born in New Brunswick Canada, moved to Ontario when I was 7 years old, grew up catholic until my parents started frequenting a different religion when I was about 11 years old.  There's no need to say exactly what religion this was because I've come to understand that all religions have a similar agenda linked to the same origin.  That being said, our life narrative started changing more and more and I came to believe that this new religion was truth.  Not linking to my own critical thinking abilities, I blindly devoted my life to serving whom I "thought" was the God of the universe.   So, I kept frequenting these religious congregation gatherings more and more until I dedicated my life to it on September 8th, 2001.

     As a new minister, I was very active in it by giving several public discourses from 2001 - 2005, ministerial public presentations, preaching work, Bible study teachings and group book study readings and more.  But as a minister from this particular religion, we were well conditioned to abstain from using our own critical thinking abilities, but I knew deep down that something wasn't adding up, there was this area that was taboo, the no-go zone.   

     I recall back when I used to watch the Unsolved Mysteries TV show with Robert Stack back in the 1990's.   I was always fascinated with the subject of extraterrestrials and UFOs, but of course, as a religious minister, I was not to talk about that to anyone or these would be serious repercussions!  But I kept it on the backburner in my subconscious mind for a future time.

Breaking Free

     Due to my limited physical abilities caused by a rare genetic disorder called SMA type lll, I went to congregation meetings less and less from 2006 onward, mostly listening to the meetings via telephone hook-up.  

     I found myself alone after a long series of 3 back-to-back marriages over the span of 27 years.  I've decided to stay alone on purpose this time around so that I could find myself, or rediscover who I am.

     So, June 2017 was that starting point for me.  Recovering from a severe heartbreak from my last marriage, the self-discovery journey was slow at first.  Still believing in my religious faith, I kept attending the telephone meetings weekly.

     Then came the start of Covid-19, another weird event that wasn't adding up.  I've joined a group chat with some like-minded friends to dig this phenomenon further.  Upon finding out that the pandemic was planned, and the goal was to depopulate the world with the jab, [i will discuss this in depth in upcoming pages] I immediately thought about what that could mean for the faith I was affiliated with, thinking that the governing body was in contact with the son of God, I was waiting for them to announce this truth to the congregations worldwide.

    Well, to my surprise, the opposite happened!  There was an announcement alright, but they were supporting the government's narrative and promoting the jab, masking and social distancing.

     I knew, I just knew at that moment that these men at the top of this religious organization were NOT in contact with God's son.  They were bought and paid for by the superior authorities just like the governments were bought by the Deep State.  Undeniable evidence!!

Inquiry to the Universe

     So here I was at square one, back to the drawing board, I really needed to know the REAL TRUTH of the universe and all its secrets.  And then came September 2021, it was a mild late-summer day, and I was at my lowest and as lost as never before. 

     I ended up alone at the rear of the local cemetery, in deep meditation, talking to the universe, but not God.  Because of the recent deception I had just gone through, God was the last thing on my mind at the time.  But I knew I could project my thoughts to whatever benevolent being(s) up there who cared enough to enlighten me. 

     Still not knowing who I was addressing myself to, I trusted my intuition.  Knowing that I would be heard.  I must have been in that meditative state for a good 45 minutes or so, with my eyes closed, asking the universe for knowledge, wisdom and understanding.  It was a peaceful and quiet moment of reflection.

     I left the cemetery that day, with full confidence that I would get the answers I was looking for.

Dark Night of the Soul

     Now that my plea had been sent, I knew that I had to manifest it with an open mind.  I became a walking question mark.           

     Remembering that I had left the UFO/Alien subject on a shelf going back 26 years, I felt a strong desire to rekindle the motif to know more about it.  So, I started to dig as deep as I could, and I let nothing stop me.  At first, I thought this was going to be kind of a hobby, a new fun distraction.   But no, the more I dug, the more questions I had.  

     Whenever I heard anything about aliens going back decades, the image I got were the greys with big almond shaped blackened eyes, at the time, with my religious mind, I thought they were demons in hybrid clones.   But more and more videos were popping up about these blondes with blue eyes.   I was fascinated, these ones looked like humans.   How could this be possible since demons were supposedly incapable of materializing themselves according to my current Bible understanding?   This went against what I had been taught.   

Who were these blue-eyed blondes?   

     A lot of people claimed to have had encounters with them, most of these encounters were positive.   I couldn't stop now, going through October 2021 to December 2021, I've seen hundreds of videos and interviews of people relaying their experiences with ETs.   

I knew there was something to it especially when I realized that these were random people and their stories corroborated. 

     In this process, I've encountered some nefarious agendas, I started attuning to my natural abilities to differentiate good vs bad vibrations.   So, I've debunked several who had somber narratives.   

     Then on January 2022, I took a break from the alien research and jumped right into my own religion's background history.   I needed to make a serious decision as to where I will go with this new knowledge about these ETs.   Do I keep digging more into this or do I continue as a minister?   I had to know if my religion was a real theocratic faith or was it man-made?   Without going into all the fine details of my searches, I quickly found out through a history search and ex-minister's testimonies that this was clearly a man-made cult and nothing about it was truthful.  Even their own Bibles were severely doctored "twice" to fit their religious doctrine!

     Yes, I've debunked my own religion by January 17th, 2022.   This meant that I had to go back to learning more about these extraterrestrials.   

     Then came February 2022.  I almost got caught joining a group starting a new movement for a united humanity.   Long story short, I soon found out that there was a dark agenda behind this group called TLS and I quickly left it by the end of that month.  But that didn't stop me from digging more to find out why all these videos were coming out more and more all over the internet?

The Awakening

     Then came March 2022, I was looking at all kinds of convoluted videos about the subject, then I saw a 5-second clip of this lady and it was as if I heard a voice in my subconscious mind saying: "There she is".   Not knowing who she was or what her name was, I searched and searched until I found her.

     Upon seeing her YT videos, the vibration was always high, straightforward, honest explanations of all she had to say.  I binged-watched her videos going back 3 years!  She always backed everything with verified corroborated proof, and she never faltered, if she was lying about her claims, I promise you, she would have been debunked by now, but her message remains consistent and unchanging, it was becoming more evident who she was and what her message was all about.  Agencies like NASA and the CIA keep a close watch on her, there has been several attempts on her life since she went public in 2020 because she tells the public things they don't want us to know.  No doubt, she is one of the Envoys that's been talked about by Dolores Cannon and many other starseeds like her.  No worries, I will speak extensively about who or what starseeds & envoys are and what their role is during the "Great Awakening" times in which we live in this part of the Galaxy.

     This woman has proven that she is indeed the Earth Emissary for the Galactic Federation of Worlds.  She's in regular contact with them.  This Federation is kind of like a Galactic Military mostly made up of blonde-hair, blue-eyed human looking ETs, and of course, several others who look very different, but their role is to help keep a good balance in our galaxy.   Not to mention, there are several others like her who are doing similar work and serving humanity to a higher state of consciousness.

     This has nothing to do with gaining a following or selling products, the message is about going within, doing the work ourselves and taking our power back, the time for kneeling is over, stop looking for someone outside of yourself to save you.

     By the end of March 2022, I was fully activated and awake to what my place was in this universe.   Digging for more knowledge and understanding is an ongoing process and I don't see an end to it, there is so much to learn about how our universe works and what role we play in this vast array of star clusters we call "The Milky Way" and beyond!