
Making matter from light: Two gold (Au) ions (red) move in opposite direction at 99.995% of the speed of light (v, for velocity, = approximately c, the speed of light). As the ions pass one another without colliding, two photons (?) from the electromagnetic cloud surrounding the ions can interact with each other to create a matter-antimatter pair: an electron (e-) and positron (e+). Credit: Brookhaven National Laboratory

     From birth, the concept of God is unbeknownst from a child's perspective, our parent(s) may teach us their perspective about who they believe God is.  But that's just it, it's a matter of "belief based on indoctrination" from various religions.  If your parents are Catholic for example, you'll be taught Catholic beliefs etc...  But we need to ask ourselves the questions; what is all this really about?  Who made these religions and why?  What impact do these religions have on humanity?  It's very important to get to the source of it all.   

I will get into the details for the Bible(s) and it's origine later.

But for now, I'll do my best to explain what God is and the basics of the functionality of our universe.  It has become undeniable by now, after listening to countless testimonies from Starseeds and Envoys, that God is clearly not who we've been told.   For the sake of perspective, let's ask the question; "What is God?"  I've had a tough time answering that question, but, out of all the Starseeds I've watched over the years, the best explanation I can come up with is this: "God is 'not' outside of us. We are God experiencing itself walking in the flesh, Creator Source is all that exists, 1 Super Consciousness that keeps fractalizing itself into Googols of consciousnesses and we are a fractal of it, we borrow a body of our choosing made up of stacked atoms for an incarnation and when that body expires, we simply go back to the ethereal realm until we're ready to continue our evolutionary journey into our next chosen reincarnation."    Because we are energy, and we now know through proven science that energy cannot be destroyed, it can only be transformed.

    Some people may ask: Then, how did we become physical if we started as a source of energy?   Science now proves that cymatics frequency and photons create solid matter (Ref).   Creator Source fractalizes itself into energetic conscious entities and these entities in turn create cymatics frequency with the photons and thus becomes solid matter.   Stars, planets, galaxies, biological beings etc...  This process became perfected over time and became living stacked atoms which became functional bipedal-bilateral bodies which are the most popular for technological advancement as we know it today.   With eons of evolution, these stacked atoms became smart enough to work with DNA and thus create new types of life forms.  Our beautiful planet Earth has become one of the richest diversities in various life forms.

     Googols of universes have been made with that process and each universe has its own number of realms called "densities" and each density has its own number of "parallel dimensions".           According to my most consistent Starseed, our universe has 13 densities, 13th being Source Creator.   We start by incarnating in the lowest density and slowly work our way up as we evolve.  When we finally reach the 13th density, we bring all the data we've collected throughout our lifetimes back to Creator Source as we merge back into our original state.    Creator Source never stops fractalizing itself so once all data has been retrieved, we fractalize again and perhaps we go to a different universe the next time.  This fascinating process never ends!  

     God has been a assigned a sex as people refer to him as "He" when they talk about God, but we know that God does not have a sex but if we were to assign a sex to God, God would be a "She".  It is the female energy that creates life after all.   But, in all seriousness, the Creator of the multiverse is a dynamic energy of pure love.

Vibrational Density Explained

1st Density - inanimate objects

2nd Density - micro-organisms, plants, insects and most animals

3rd Density - humans, several animals

4th Density - awakening humans, inner earth people etc..

5th Density - fully awake humans, most inner earth people etc...

6th - 9th Densities - expansive translucent extraterrestrials

10th - 12th Densities - the angelic beings

Note: All Density beings have physicality, including angels

Creator Source does not have physicality

     Densities are different levels of vibrations, consciousness and frequency rate of particles of matter, the higher we vibrate and the more conscious we become, the higher density and lighter we will become in our evolution.   

     In this case, rocks and plant life would be in 1st density, animals would be in 2nd density and humans have been in the 3rd density for quite some time.   But since we've started to enter the age of Aquarius, planet Earth has entered the photon belt in our galaxy's equator, and we are currently moving up from 3rd to 5th density.  Many are already in 4th and the aim is to have all of humanity move up to 5th hopefully by 2030.   Those who fail to wake up or refuse to ascend to 5th density will continue to live out their current incarnated lives in negativity until they either wake up to who they are or until they expire and go back to the ethereal realm and reincarnate into a 3rd density planet or 3rd density dimension until they evolve to a higher level of consciousness.

     When you think of density, imagine a skyscraper with 12 floors, when you look outside, you only see on that side of the building and the higher you go, the farther you see.   The 6th - 9th densities would be the translucent beings.  The 10th - 12th densities would be the angels and such.  The roof of the building is the 13th density, where Creator Source is, now you see even farther and all around the building.

"According to the new measurement, the number of photons (particles of visible light) that escaped into space after being emitted by stars translates to 4x10^84.

Or put another way: 4,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 photons."

Parallel Dimensions Explained

     Dimensions are parallel realities or universes within our current density, each density has innumerable amounts of parallel realities. 

     Now, as a fractal of Creator Source, you also have the ability to fractalize yourself into several amounts of entities within the chosen parallel realities that your soul can incarnate into depending on your level of consciousness.   Your higher self sees all of this from its higher perspective.   You may already have separate lives right now in different parallel dimensions.  You may feel the effects of that when you get a déja-vous.  Sometimes, you may notice overlapping dimensions.  We live in a Matrix and there are glitches in this matrix sometimes.

Construction & Destruction

The universe works in a way we would never expect.  Construction & Destruction is apparent, otherwise, the universe would collapse upon itself.


Light & Dark

Positive & Negative

Create & Destroy

Black & White

Life & Death

     Keep in mind that all this applies only to everything that is made of matter because Creator Source never dies, and it was never created, it only fractalizes itself which becomes matter making up the multiverse and that is where the Construction & Destruction comes from.  This process is infinite and that's how Source Creator evolves in wisdom and knowledge.  If the universe were only positive, there would be no triggering effect and without the triggering effect, there would be no evolution, the universe would just become stagnant and collapse into nothingness.  We need to be triggered to evolve.  But that being said, the positive aspect of the universe is always bigger than the negative aspect, but still, both are needed in order to have a properly functioning multiverse. 

     Like a 9-Volt battery for example, the positive is more robust than the negative side.  And the Yin Yang, in every negativity, there's a little positive and in every positivity, there's a little negativity.  It's how the universe and multiverse work! It's the best way I can explain it.  You are God and God is you, God is in every single atom in your body, you are a fractal of God experiencing life in the flesh.  We all are!