Welcome to my Blog!

     Dear reader, thank you for being here, I am in the humble beginnings of the creation of this website, I am just 1 person doing this and my time is sparse, but the message is important, nonetheless.  The purpose of this site is to help remove the veil of deception put upon us by the powers that be.  My aim is to keep it as clear, short and simple as I possibly can, this site is to help activate your sense of alertness, your critical thinking abilities, your desire to do your own discoveries through research, things don't have to be complicated, although, you will have to do some effort to evolve in your understanding of how our universe operates.


     From birth, we have been deceived into a deep narrative that doesn't serve our purpose on this earth.  In order to evolve to become a well-adjusted individual, we need to be free to think for ourselves, our critical thinking abilities are crucial to our success and prosperity.  We have been indoctrinated to the core from the moment we came out of the womb.


     By an evil that has ruled mankind for a very long time (detailed in other pages).  The main goal of this evil is to keep humanity in the dark, dumbed down, controlled and in constant fear.   The low vibrations derived from this dark entity has kept us from ascending to a higher vibrational way of life.   In this Blog, I will provide information that will help you see for yourself what is hiding behind the veil.  But please, I'm not asking you to believe me, I am only asking you to listen, use your own discernment and do your own research.


     The information I provide within these pages are from my own research, observations and understanding according to corroborated evidence I've discovered.   I have come to believe them as truths outside the box of indoctrinated beliefs of this matrix in which we live.  I am confident that what I present here is about 98% accurate and verified truths.  I will offer as many referenced links as possible.  I assure you, what I found is either the truth, or as close to the truth as I possibly could get.  If you can't find a link, look it up yourself, I encourage thorough research and pay attention to vibration when you do research, if you get a low vibration from the information, get away from it, if you get a high vibe, listen to it.  Upon finding information, ask yourself; does this answer my question?  Does it empower me, or does it strip me of my sovereignty?  How does this information help in my evolutionary growth?  Does it endorse a fear narrative?


     Some information in this blog may trigger you and challenge your belief systems, but triggers are not low vibes, triggers awaken your sense of alertness, intuitiveness, critical thinking abilities, emotional and spiritual awareness.


     Feel free to navigate the pages to your leisure, have an open mind, think for yourself and allow yourself the right to discover some truths you never knew existed beyond what you've been told to believe as truth.   As time goes on, I will be adding more pages of information, these will be advertised in my Blog section of this site.   Enjoy the journey!

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